As population levels and population density rise along with home prices, the ideal living situation is becoming harder to possess. Close to cool shops and restaurants, easily accessible entertainment, and a short commute to the office is the trifecta of wishes would-be homeowners are after. But the trifecta is becoming harder to obtain year after year, especially in places like Los Angeles and New York where a half an hour’s worth of commute can equate to thousands of dollars in mortgage and rent payments. One of the multi-pronged solutions being developed will address the desire to live close to work. With more and more employees demanding the ability to work remotely, it makes perfect sense that soon self-driving cars are going to make a splash in a major way. What if you had an hour and twenty-minute commute where you could be on your laptop working away the entire drive, would that entice you to look in neighborhoods that are farther away from your office? This reality will soon come to pass as several different companies race to produce the first autonomous car ready for consumer use. Some of the companies in the race are Google via Waymo, Uber, Lyft, Tesla, BMW, Ford, and Mercedes-Benz. Learn more about Google’s self-driving technology by visiting
You Should Text While Driving
May 16, 2018