Naturally, the goal for any home seller is to maximize profits. You want to spend as little as possible while getting back as much as possible in the final sale. So, what are the best things to spend your money on when listing in order to increase your returns?

Before we get into my three tips, I want to remind you of a very important point. As a home seller, you must remember that your home is a product. It is no longer going to be your “home.” It is a house—a piece of property—and you have to make the mental shift from being a homeowner to being a home seller. You have to set some emotions aside in order to make smart selling decisions.

When I am talking to home sellers, I focus on three key areas where a little investment can make a significant difference. When you are willing to spend some extra time and money to get your house ready for sale, you will see the impact with more buyer interest and better offers.

1. Paint

I strongly feel that a fresh paint job will give you the most bang for your buck. New paint smells fresh and looks clean, so it really adds to the appeal of your home when buyers come to see it. Remember your goal is to make your house attractive to as many people as possible. This is where the product vs. home mental shift is key. You should opt for more neutral paint and trim colors that will appeal to a wider audience.

2. Home Staging

It is a fact that professionally staged homes sell faster and for more money. Staging can give your home a designer feel, while also having neutral appeal that will attract a wider range of buyers. Your house will present better in marketing pictures and videos. It will look better in person, as well. Staging presents a strong visual appeal. It creates an inviting mood and sparks positive emotional reactions in buyers.

3. Deep Clean

If you are serious about selling your house for top dollar, you can’t simply dust a few shelves and run the vacuum across the floor a couple times. You need a deep clean to truly make your home sparkle from top to bottom. You need to clean up every room inside and all the exterior areas of the property, as well. This will make a better impression on buyers. You should have the house thoroughly cleaned every other week while it is on the market. Be sure and clean the windows, inside and out. I also recommend leaving the screens off the windows during a sale. It makes the house look brighter and the windows will look nicer in pictures.

For more insight on this topic, check out my video:

Certainly, there are many steps you can take to properly prepare your home for a successful sale. These are three that I feel are vital to maximize profits. What’s most important is to remember you are striving to present your house in its best possible light. This is how you bring in more buyers and bigger offers.

If you are ready to sell in the Los Angeles or San Gabriel Valley area, contact The Durkovic Group today for a no-obligation listing consultation. We will be happy to walk you through all the necessary steps to help you maximize your profits when selling your home.